The old Paynesville Skatepark has been updated over the years. Once upon a time, it had the existing banks and transitions on either side with an ugly steel feature in the middle. They have since replaced the steel with contemporary street obstacles, including a flat rail, ledge and banks. The more noticeable upgrades to Paynesville Skatepark would have to be the small extension with a rainbow quarter.

The upgrades to the skatepark have been most appreciated, and it is now a fun, relevant place to skate with street and transition features. Located near the IGA, just a kick and a push away from the foreshore in a beautiful park with seats, shelter, water, bins, BBq, playground, oval and more.

Paynesville, you have done it again.

Two Star Skatepark Rating | Skater Maps
Skateboard Park Victoria
Street Park
Rails & Street Obsticles
Open Flow Park
Transitions and Banks
Street Skate Features
Street Park
Concrete Skate Bowl
Skateboard Park
Skate Parks Vic
Awesome Skatepark
Street Park
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