The Beenleigh BMX Park has undergone a huge upgrade to become one of Australia’s premier BMX facilities. The skatepark upgrades cost a whopping 3.1 million dollar bills that we presume would not have been paid in cash.

The skatepark is absolutely massive and has a lot going on. There are transitions as far as the eye can see, almost over the horizon.

The park is tailored to BMX riders. However, BMX’ers share their BMX parks with skaters, just like the skaters accommodate BMX’ers at skateparks.

Some of the features at this park at out of control. You have to come and see it in person to really take in the size of this park and some of the jumps and vert walls that go on for days.

The original skatepark has been left as a monument untouched. 

Skater Maps Five Star Skatepark Rating
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